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Glycerine 86 % (vegetable), n. PH. EUR, non-gmo -

* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • 0649-6.2
  • ab € 29,95* netto € 35,64 brutto
    water-binding moisturizing versatile in use
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    For the food sector, for cosmetic and chemical-technical applications. Application Glycerine,... mehr
    For the food sector, for cosmetic and chemical-technical applications.


    Glycerine, which was originally obtained as a cleavage product during the splitting of oils and fats, is now obtained on a large scale in the production of methyl esters as part of the production of sustainable fuels. There it is produced as a by-product, which is refined into glycerine in further refining and purification processes in accordance with the European Pharmacopoeia (Ph. Eur.). Glycerine has a wide range of applications, as its product properties offer a broad spectrum of possible uses. Due to its water-binding and moisturizing properties, it is used in cosmetics such as lotions, creams or as an ingredient in hand sanitizers and serves as a base for skin and leather care in general. Due to its slightly sweet taste (hence its old name: oil sweet), it is also used as a food supplement, e.g. in dietary products or in pharmaceutical applications, and as part of the base for e-liquids (e-cigarettes). With its low-temperature properties, it serves as a powerful antifreeze in both the technical and food sectors. Glycerine is even approved as a food additive E422 in the EU. With over 800 possible applications - from lubricants to foodstuffs - glycerine is one of the most important products in the oleochemical industry.
    CAS-Nummer: 56-81-5
    Synonym: 1,2,3-propanetriol, glycerol
    Vorsichtsmaßnahmen mehr
    Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving the workplace. Provide process area with good ventilation to avoid the formation of vapors.
    Gefahrenhinweise mehr
    No labeling required.
    Sicherheitshinweise mehr
    No labeling required.
    Lagerung mehr
    Store only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid direct sunlight.

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