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Heart candle mold made of silicone (for candle making) - 8.5x8.7 cm -

* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • T-18725-8.5x8.7
  • € 11,95* netto € 14,22 brutto

    Versandfertig, Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage

    perfect for partners Sign of affection versatile possibilities
    Hinweis: Darf ich als Privatperson bei chemiekontor.de bestellen? Wir beliefern sowohl Privatpersonen als auch Gewerbekunden mit starken und zuverlässigen Partnern termingerecht in gleichbleibend hoher Qualität zu attraktiven Großhandelspreisen.


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    Dimensions: 8.5x8.7 cm Love in flames: Our heart candle shape for romantic candle creations... mehr

    Dimensions: 8.5x8.7 cm

    Love in flames: Our heart candle shape for romantic candle creations

    Would you like to express your love in the form of glowing candles? Our heart candle mold is the perfect choice for creating romantic candles that will literally ignite your feelings.


    Why choose our heart candle shape?

    Heartfelt expression: The heart shape allows you to create candles that will carry your love and affection into any room.

    High quality: Made from high-quality, food-safe silicone, our mold guarantees a long life and easy handling.

    Effortless release: The flexible silicone surface ensures that your romantic candles can be released from the mold effortlessly and undamaged.

    Versatile possibilities: Ignite your creative passion by combining different types of wax, colors and scents to design unique love candles.

    Sustainability: Our reusable mold is not only loving, but also environmentally friendly.


    Declaration of love in wax:

    - Surprise your sweetheart or loved one with a romantic candle dinner surprise.

    - Treat your partner to homemade heart candles as a token of your deep affection.

    - Create a heart candle gift that expresses your love on birthdays, anniversaries and Valentine's Days.


    Start setting your love ablaze today! Our heart candle mold is an essential tool for anyone who wants to express their passion and affection through handmade heart candles.

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