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Kokosfett -

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    Refined, GMO-free. For the food sector, for cosmetic and chemical-technical applications.... mehr

    Refined, GMO-free. For the food sector, for cosmetic and chemical-technical applications.


    In contrast to palm fat, refined coconut fat is obtained from the fruit of the coconut palm. And compared to palm fat, coconut fat is produced in much smaller quantities. However, the areas of application are very similar: coconut fat is used in confectionery and baked goods, for example as a coating. Due to the high proportion of saturated fatty acids, coconut fat remains stable even at high temperatures and is therefore used, like palm fat, as a frying and roasting fat. The areas of application in the cosmetics sector are just as varied. Here too, coconut fat is used in the same way as palm fat. Within these processes, derivatives of coconut fat are also used, from which high-quality unsaturated fatty alcohols, fatty alcohol sulphates and other alcohol derivatives can be produced due to their higher proportion of saturated components.coconut fat offers a real alternative due to its obvious sustainability, especially in comparison to palm fat, even if the amount currently produced is only a good 5% of the amount of palm fat produced annually.

    CAS-Nummer: 8001-31-8
    Synonym: Coconut oil, Coconut oil, Coconut fat
    Vorsichtsmaßnahmen mehr

    Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving the workplace. Provide process area with good ventilation to prevent the formation of vapors.

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    No labeling required.

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    No labeling required.

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    Store only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid direct sunlight.

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