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Linseed oil varnish - wood protection made from natural linseed oil -

Linseed oil varnish - wood protection made from natural linseed oil
* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • 1175-4.5
  • ab € 26,95* netto € 32,07 brutto
    Wood protection high elasticity natural
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    Application Linseed oil varnish is a versatile product that has been used for various purposes... mehr


    Linseed oil varnish is a versatile product that has been used for various purposes for centuries. It is made from linseed oil, which is extracted from the seeds of the flax plant. Linseed oil is known for its high drying capacity, which makes it an ideal binder for paints and varnishes. One of the outstanding properties of linseed oil varnish is its ability to penetrate and seal materials. This creates a protective barrier against moisture, dirt and other harmful elements. This makes linseed oil varnishes a popular choice for the preservation and restoration of wooden furniture, sculptures and antiques. Another positive aspect is its natural origin and environmental friendliness. Unlike many modern varnishes and coatings, linseed oil varnish contains no harmful chemicals or solvents. It is also biodegradable and non-toxic, making it a safe alternative for indoor use.

    CAS-Nummer: 68649-95-6
    Vorsichtsmaßnahmen mehr

    Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving the workplace. Provide process area with good ventilation to prevent the formation of vapors.

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    cloths, cleaning wool, etc. soaked with linseed oil varnish can ignite spontaneously! Stir the oil well before use.

    Sicherheitshinweise mehr

    No labeling required Further information: The production of linseed oil varnish is relatively simple. First, linseed oil is refined and then heated to make it more stable. This creates a sticky, transparent product, known as varnish. Linseed varnish, as the product is also called, is usually used as a protective coating for wood, metal and other surfaces.

    Lagerung mehr

    Store only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid direct sunlight.

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