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Modern drop candle mold made of silicone (for candle making) - 10 x 13 cm -

* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • T-49015-10.0x13.0
  • € 29,95* netto € 35,64 brutto

    Versandfertig, Lieferzeit 3-5 Werktage

    timeless elegant Blcikfang
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    Dimensions: 10 x 13 cm Timeless elegance for your home: the modern silicone teardrop candle... mehr

    Dimensions: 10 x 13 cm

    Timeless elegance for your home: the modern silicone teardrop candle mold

    Discover the aesthetic beauty and add a modern touch to your home with our high-quality silicone drip candle mold. This 1-piece mold allows you to make individual drip candles quickly and easily in no time at all.


    Why choose our drip candle mold?

    Stylish design: Give your home a modern elegance by creating custom-designed drip candles that radiate timeless beauty.

    High-quality silicone: Our mold is made from food-grade silicone, which is not only durable and easy to clean, but also safe for use in your home.

    Easy release: Thanks to the flexible silicone surface, you can effortlessly remove your drip candles without damaging them.

    Versatile use: Perfect as a stylish decorative element in your home, on the dining table or as an eye-catcher in the living room.

    Reusable : Focus on sustainability and embellish your home again and again with our reusable candle mold.


    Creative variety for your home:

    Modern ambience: use the drip candles to create a modern atmosphere in your home.

    Personalization: Create individual candles to add a modern and appealing touch to your home.

    Unique decoration: Transform any room into a place of contemporary elegance.


    Bring timeless elegance to your home with our silicone drop candle mold. Start now and see how you can add modern flair to your rooms.

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