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paraffin 5658 Lozenges -

* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • 5056-1.0
  • ab € 16,95* netto € 20,17 brutto
    versatile practical fine pastille shape
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    paraffinpastilles. Fully refined Paraffin wax in pastille form. Application In the chemical... mehr
    paraffinpastilles. Fully refined Paraffin wax in pastille form.


    In the chemical industry, paraffin in solid form is an essential ingredient in a large number of formulations. It is used in cosmetic applications as an ointment additive, but also as a component in lotions or lip care products. In addition, paraffin in solid form is an important component in pharmaceutical products, for example as a coating in tableting due to its film formation, but also as a histology aid for tissue preparation. In the food sector, paraffin is used to seal certain products (cheese production). Production without paraffin is also unthinkable in a large number of technical applications. These include cleaning and care products in wood and furniture construction, as well as car paints. Rust and building protection are also important areas of application for kerosenes.
    CAS-Nummer: 8002-74-2
    Synonym: paraffin, white oil, white oil
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    Not classified.
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    No labeling required.
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    No labeling required.
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    Store only in the original container in a cool, well-ventilated place. Keep container closed when not in use. Avoid direct sunlight.

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