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Sunflower oil, refined -

Sunflower oil, refined
Sunflower oil, refined
Sunflower oil, refined
* Produktbild kann vom Original abweichen
  • 1073-4.5
  • ab € 33,95* netto € 36,33 brutto
    High-Oleic natural versatile
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    GMO-free. For the food sector, cosmetic and chemical-technical applications. Application... mehr

    GMO-free. For the food sector, cosmetic and chemical-technical applications.


    Refined sunflower oil is used in the Federal Republic of Germany as a high-quality vegetable oil, primarily in the food sector (as a base for sauces and dressings or as a base for mayonnaise preparations). However, it is also used in other applications, for example in the pharmaceutical sector and in oleochemical and technical processes and formulations. Cold-pressed qualities also have a broad spectrum of vitamin complexes. Derivatives (e.g. esterified products), which are characterized by exceptional cold and oxidation stability and a very light color, are suitable for use in oleochemistry. Important quality characteristics, especially for artists' paints or very high-quality lubricants in precision mechanics.

    CAS-Nummer: 8001-21-6
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    Wash hands and other exposed areas with mild soap and water before eating, drinking or smoking and when leaving the workplace. Provide process area with good ventilation to prevent the formation of vapors.

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    No labeling required.

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    No labeling required.

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